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[Sole] Thank God I never made it to Earth, what a happy place how I long to be depressed, to be a grouch, get away Yo, Yo Here I stand in the desert
singing bible hymns ain't fixing anything; get your picket signs, go on strike, get a five cent raise; your a champion. now they're making model citizens out of your children
children to come unto me. Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little children to come unto me. *
sorrow. * Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little children to come unto me. Suffer little children
first time I met I could tell she taste like butter pecan If you don't think your tasty than baby go head save it Cause Twista be messing with the flavors
you seek redoubt for your data, scramble up the order of the pixels with a one-time pad that describes the fun time had by the thick-soled- boot-wearing
They say there's fewer sounds sweeter than the tone of children's laughter It captures men's hearts - proof life ends happily ever after And at eight