The moment I wake up Before I put on my makeup I say a little pray for you While combing my hair now, And wondering what dress to wear now, I say a little
When you're the best of friends Having so much fun together You're not even aware, you're such a funny pair You're the best of friends Life's a happy
he's just a friend If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time (I want you 'round me all the time) Can I be your best friend, if you promise
you are my best friends. We are, we are best friends, till the end time I just want you to know that. We are, we are best friends, till the end of
And we're the three best friends that anybody could have. We're the three best friends that anyone could have. We're the three best friends that anyone
Traducere: Chicago coloana sonora. My Best Friend proprii.
Traducere: Digimon: coloana sonora a filmului. All My Best Friends Sunt metalistilor.
Traducere: Vulpea şi Cainele Original Soundtrack. Suntem cei mai buni prieteni.
Traducere: Get coloana sonoră Rich or Die Tryin '. 50 Cent - cel mai bun prieten.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. În rolurile principale din "My Best Friend lui de nuntă" - Voi spune o rugăciune ...
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Tony Bennett - Way You Look Tonight.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Excitatoare - Spune-i.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Amanda Marshall - Voi fi bine.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Jann Arden - Tu nu mă cunoşti.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Ani DiFranco - Wishin "Şi Hopin".
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Sophie Zelmani - întotdeauna.
Traducere: Cel mai bun prieten meu de nunta coloana sonora. Mary Chapin Carpenter - Nu voi Fall In Love Again.